I am always remedied by an adjustment with Dr. Katie
Before receiving chiropractic care I experienced extreme pain in my lower back, hips and neck. This pain occurred after two extensive surgeries on my ankles due to torn tendons in 2005. My body alignment became intolerable. I began taking Vicodin daily just to make it through the day. The thought of going to a chiropractor never entered my mind until my cousin suggested a chiropractor might alleviate my pain. I began seeing Dr. Katie at Wilson Family Chiropractic in 2009. Chiropractic adjustments have changed my life. I wish I had before and after pictures. Before treatment, my alignment was so bad that you could visually see my left shoulder was much higher than my right, now they are even. My neck and hip pain are gone and while I occasionally experience low back pain after exerting myself, I am always remedied by an adjustment with Dr. Katie. I plan to continue routine chiropractic treatment as it has been my saving grace. My husband also began seeing Dr. Katie after witnessing my results and suffering an injury from a fall. He has had similar results and great relief from his pain. We are continuing maintenance treatments twice a month and thankful our problems have not returned.
- Lynn Hyde
No more headaches or back pain!
I have been suffering from frequent headaches and back aches for years. The severity of my headaches would often be so severe that I couldn’t function… I began seeing Dr. Katie and experiencing almost immediate results. No more headaches or back pain! My quality of life has improved significantly…and I tell everyone having any unresolved pain about Dr. Katie!
- Karen Woody
I wished I had come sooner - no more headaches!
Before receiving chiropractic care I had migraines daily. I was not able to carry out my daily activities. For fear of the unknown I did not seek medical treatment and I self-medicated with Aleve, Excedrin Migraine, Extra Strength Tylenol, hot/cold compresses to head, heat pads, hot showers and baths. Then, I made an appointment with Dr. Katie. I wished I had come sooner – no more headaches!
- Sara Beth Foti
I feel that my kids have a happier, more energetic, attentive, and easy-going mom!
Before receiving chiropractic care I frequently experienced low back pain and overall back discomfort, had at least one migraine per month, was tired and sluggish. My mood swings were affecting the quality of my relationships with my children and spouse – I felt that they usually got my grumpy side more than my happy side. Before chiropractic care I was taking Tylenol several times a week to relieve tension headaches or other minor ailments and I took migraine Motrin for my migraines. Since being under care I have not taken Motrin for migraines. My headaches are not nearly as painful and I rarely take Tylenol. After being under regular chiropractic care my headaches are nearly gone – I rarely have one and when I do they are not as intense as they were. I have no more back pain or discomfort. My moods have also improved and as a result I feel that my kids have a happier, more energetic, attentive, and easy-going mom.
- Sarah Pederson
I am sleeping better, my mood is elevated and my family life has improved.
I began being treated by Dr. Katie in December of 2009. At 8-months pregnant with my second child, my gracilis (groin area) had become so inflamed that the pain nearly prevented me from being able to walk. The inflammation affected my mood and energy levels while also making it difficult to sleep. While the pain affected me, my discomfort affected my whole family, as I was unable to care for our 2-year old. Prior to considering chiropractic care I worked with a Physical Therapist at a local hospital. Throughout my treatment they were never able to give me a clear diagnosis of my pain. I was continually encouraged to work on exercises and wear a maternity belt – – neither of which provided any comfort. During my first pregnancy I was told my pain was normal during pregnancy and it would go away after delivery. While this thought was presented to me during this pregnancy I did not believe I could or should ignore this problem.
Dr. Katie has helped me understand and realize the logic and impact chiropractic treatment has on the healing process. I understand how stress and general wear and tear on the body create imbalances that need to be addressed and corrected. She helped address (and diagnosis) my acute gracilis pain, realign my pelvis and relieve my pain. Although I still have some pain due to the extra weight I am carrying with my pregnancy, I truly feel better after each adjustment. I am sleeping better, my mood is elevated and my family life has improved.
- Jenny Wilson
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